Window Safety Locks – Will You Need Them?
Following a number of deaths and injuries to children falling from windows the NSW Government has launched the ‘kids can’t fly’ campaign – a two pronged approached involving education and a change in legislation requiring window safety locks installation by March 2018.
The legislation requires that any window that;
- Can be opened
- Is above 2 meters from the ground (essentially, one story)
- And has an internal opening less than 1.7m from the internal floor;
MUST have a device installed that will;
- Restrict the window from opening more than 125mm (so a child cannot get through)
- Withstand 250 newtons of force
- And have a child lock installed if the device has a release mechanism
Strata Legislation requires the restricting devices be ‘certified’, and there is a penalty payable by the Owners Corporation if it fails to ensure the devices are installed.
While an owners corporation can create a by-law requiring owners install the devices at their own expense, the responsibility to ensure the correct devices are installed and to all required windows remains with the owners corporation.
Strata Sense is currently formulating a number of options for your committees to consider to ensure compliance of your building by the March 2018 deadline.